viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Something about multiple-intelligences.

Intelligence has been through time one of the most important tools of professional development since it is the resource that we use for getting success in life as professionals. As many people know we all are different in the way we analyze and we apply knowledge that is not bad because we all think different but really does affect the social environment.
This post is going to be focused in the multiple-intelligence skills that an individual can develop. There are nine multiple-intelligence skills known nowadays in education teachings. The first spatial deals with the people that visualize and see beyond obstacles and imperfections, the second linguistic has to do with the ability to make deep speeches and solve problems through conversations, the third logical-mathematical involves numbers, logics, abstractions and reasonings, the fourth bodily kinesthetic has to do with the total control of the body parts for one's "x" purpose, the fifth musical is the core for those who learn by musical ways, rhythm and musical emotions, the sixth interpersonal deals with the students who easily have interaction with other people regardless on the matter of the situation, the seventh intrapersonal contemplate the students which enjoy to work alone and analyze materials by their own, the eighth naturalistic is related with the learning process that uses natural environment, the ninth existential has to do with visualization beyond the reality or the data being analyzed.
As teacher we always in the searching for techniques and methods to teach a class, we can take advantage of these intelligences and as teachers start to improve a class based to the subject we want to work, the issues is that as mentioned before not all the individuals have the same intelligence so this is a problem that we most contemplate. Just let's imagine we have a class with students and all of them develop they selves with the "9" multiple-intelligences that is way a lot of work to do for class work. We can try out to combine the MI and that way is easier the application of them. For instance there may be an individual who enjoys speaking in the class and another individual who loves working outside the class in the natural environment then we can go out the class and we can make oral presentations outside the class.
However education has been focused only in linguistic and logical abilities, the teacher who wants to make the difference inside the classroom will definitely use more than the Multiple-Intelligences information to successfully improve a class.

2 comentarios:

  1. the multiple-intelligences are so useful now that i've read your article , i'll keep in mind it , 'cause i didn't know how interesting is multiple-intelligences.

  2. hey yenser I found you my is
